Dr. D
Original Thread
I finally have the time to make a ban appeal! I was banned a while ago, not sure when but it was for having a "duplicate account." I do not have or need a duplicate account whatsoever and I'm confused on how there is one linked to my account/ IP address. Ban info --> http://bans.neonheightsservers.com/...rch=STEAM_0:0:61326894&advType=steamid&Submit
I really like NeonHeight's servers/maps and would love it if I were unbanned. <3
Profile--> http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dr-D/
I finally have the time to make a ban appeal! I was banned a while ago, not sure when but it was for having a "duplicate account." I do not have or need a duplicate account whatsoever and I'm confused on how there is one linked to my account/ IP address. Ban info --> http://bans.neonheightsservers.com/...rch=STEAM_0:0:61326894&advType=steamid&Submit
I really like NeonHeight's servers/maps and would love it if I were unbanned. <3
Profile--> http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dr-D/