MAP trade_minecraft_neon_v192

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Dec 14, 2019
Reaction score
-Fixed notable visual issues with props (missing textures, obvious shading issues)
-Fixed teleports in a few zones
-Completely changed some zone's Halloween Mode effect. to put simply;
  • = Nether still has the "Offense" option with crits
  • = The End will act as a check on crits and a general "Defense" option with the battalion's backup resistance to crits and passive damage reduction. {THIS WILL EXPIRE WHEN YOU TOUCH RESUPPLY}
  • = The Aether is now the "Speed" option, giving you the disciplinary action effect.
  • = The Statue Room warp now gives an "All-Rounder" effect in the form of an increased fire rate. tl;dr, halloween now is rock paper scissors.
also, for those who have been wondering what #trade_minecraft is for, when this update goes live on the server (when you will see this message), it will be quite clear what it's used for. On that note, I would request that no staff member use that channel, as my bot is fragile and it really hates being interrupted.

screenshots, more specific details ->
(From that imgur album:)
- Added random doomsday selection button. When pressed, this will activate a random doomsday. The doomsday that is selected will NOT have their respective cooldown elevated. To word that better, say the only two buttons that can be selected are Halloween Mode and Random Select. Random Select is pressed and Halloween Mode is rolled. Halloween Mode will still be capable of being pressed when the buttons are enabled in 30 minutes.
- Changed the pit buttons from stone to redstone, to make more sense
- Fixed the end secret pillar teleport not working
- Fixed the secret storage/donor room teleport not working
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