MAP trade_minecraft_neon_v196

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Dec 14, 2019
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Reverted the changes made to the subway with the tram; the outer (and only the outer) speed plates have been added. I really tried to re-add the tram back from the olden days, but it's clear the reasons it was removed were justified, the corners it takes are too sharp, it's interactions with buildings are too unpredictable, and it's just worse in general when compared to the speed plates.

These walls are no longer sheer 45 degree faces, as that looks a bit strange in a Minecraft map, and they had collision that allowed players to hover infinitely while holding forward: <before/after>

Fixed some irregular spawn lighting: <before/after>
Changed BLU's spawn furniture: <before/after>
More of each spawn has wool roofing: <before/after>

Boxing Ring and Statue Room now are labeled, as new players very commonly ask where each are: <before/after>
The bricks in the statue room no longer are aligned incorrectly: <before/after>
Removed 2 of the previous 4 Spycrab Rooms from boxing ring, as people definitely do not use them for spycrabbing: <before/after>

As agreed upon:
- spies can now take both team's Boxing Ring teleporters
- the boxing ring will NOT close off during tactical nuke, allowing you a chance to survive it, should you make it in time, and not die to the other people seeking shelter
- The 'Kamikaze' (Escape plan taunt) can no longer kill players through walls

- Pit health pack size has not been changed, the closeness of the poll suggests the community does not favor one way over the other, and a supermajority was not reached.

The Donator Room now clearly defines what it is, how to access it, and who can access it: <before/after>

More areas can be reached from the subway: <statue room/boxing arena/???>

Changed a certain path in the mushroom cave: <before/after>

Expanded the areas in the side/pool secret rooms: <before/after>

Halloween Mode buffs now last 5 minutes (formerly 10).
Changed the rarity of some spells found around the map.
The type of spell you have, and how many you can cast now shows on your HUD during Halloween Mode.
Removed this spell.

Statue Room Grand Donator screens have been polished from their former... less than attractive appearance. The screens now flicker in a more believable manner, have a better background, and use the correct Minecraft font. New Grand Donators have been added to the list. I would also like to formally apologize to jesseaout, as the previous version of the map that I put out incorrectly listed the name to be "jesseout". Names are no longer listed in bold, either, as that has lead to a lot of confusion. <before/after>

SIGNIFIGANTLY changed the PPCave Parkour puzzle to use not only less vague wording, but to just generally be easier. The nhs_allparkour server has also been taken down, as multiple people have messaged me now thinking that them finding that server equates to solving the PPCave Parkour puzzle. It does not. Also, moved 9square to a different area from the Donator Room, as even though donators could build teleporters into the Donator Room, it still was kind of pay-to-play. >>ALL PREVIOUS SOLVERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. SORRY, BUT NEW METHOD -> OUT WITH THE OLD<<

Fixed an issue where the placeholder texture under stairs was so bright it showed through: <before/after>

The ore below red's spawn is now redstone, to better reflect blue's diamond: <before/after>

Changed the nuke's sliding doors from a stock TF2 texture to a Minecraft one: <before/after>

Removed clipping from Party Mode: <before/after>
Fixed an incorrectly applied halloween texture on a party mode brush: <before/after>

The Aether and the Nether now use the correct ammo texture (for those not aware, event models such as halloween and tfbirthday are hardcoded to replace the minecraft models we have set, and there is little we can do to fix this if we want halloween-restricted hats to still be seen): <before/after>

Made it so you can no longer use Bonk! Atomic Punch to skip the Doomsday Parkour pistons.

The Pit now uses an older sign model, which I think fits the map much better: <before/after>
The glass in the portalroom observation area in the pit is more evenly distributed between top and bottom: <before/after>

- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???

Fixed many, MANY minor texturing issues around the map: <1/2/3/etc>

Map now has far more aggressive area portal usage, other misc. optimizations around the map.

Added my contact link ( to my Donator Room statue, as people have struggled to get in contact with me from an ascii name alone.
Added a link to THIS THREAD in the map's logic to be run when the map is first loaded, so people can more easily reach this forum.
As always, please feel free to report map bugs @

edicts: <v195/v196>
filesize: <v195/v196>
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