Important In-Game Rule List

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Dec 14, 2019
Reaction score
Note; Rules are subject to change at any time, and most are left to staff's discretion on deeper interpretation of the rules.

1: No ear-rape, or excessive spamming.
Ear-rape spams refer to spams (or any noise coming from your mic) that are purposefully, or by any definition too loud to be remotely enjoyable. "excessive spamming" refers to repeatedly mic-spamming without pause.

2: No playing music just through your mic, use a program such as Foobar.
This also covers any mic-spam that sounds as we can hear game audio, as that is a clear sign you are not using a program correctly.

3: No chatspam, racism, or begging.
Usage of trade binds more than once per chat cycle, or any usage of chat that disrupts the normal flow is considered to be spam. "Racism" is any attempt to bypass the automatic filter that already exists on most racial slurs and the like. Begging is asking for items without anything meaningful in return.

4: No pornographic or racist sprays of any kind. Keep sprays SFW.
It is against Valve/Steam TOS to have any part of your profile (which includes your spray logo) to have any overly suggestive and or pornographic imagery on it. This does not cover Conscientious Objectors.

5: No scamming, hacking, or broker services.
Note that exploitation of game/map bugs also falls under this rule. Scamming is referred to as a practice in which you attempt to gain items from the other party through dishonest practices. We do not ban for Sharking on NHS, as /pricecheck is a readily available command.

6: No harassing players/staff.
Repeatedly hostile behavior between two parties is unsightly and uncomfortable to everyone in the server, and best be avoided.

7: No impersonating staff members for any reason.
Taking a staff member's name for any reason, or claiming to be a staff member while you are not.

8: No non-steam currency trades.
This includes, but is not limited to: PayPal related trades, in-game store credits (unless you are a staff member), or objects like Steam Gift Cards. If you can't put it in a trade window, it's not a good idea to be trading it.

The following things are >not< against the rules:
i. Spawn Camping.
Multiple exits from spawn exist.

ii. Micspamming.
As long as a micspamming program is used (so it doesn't sound awful), you can micspam on the servers as long as no other rule is broken.

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